Honeyselect 0916r Patch Download


  1. Game Patch Download
  2. Honey Select 0916r Patch Download Pc
  3. Honey Select 0916r Patch Download

Game Patch Download

Honey Select + 3 DLCs FitGirl Repack - The latest highly-customizable sex simulator by Japanese developer Illusion. - Download the game from 'Direct Download' button - STOP Antivius then Extract the archive - After extract run the Setup.exe as Administrator to Install game. MF Patch (367 MB) installed, enabling full nudity and English. Always run the HoneySelect_32.exe / HoneySelect_64.exe, HoneyStudio_32.exe / HoneyStudio_64.exe and StudioNEO_32.exe / StudioNEO_64.exe with Administrator Mode to play the games. TORRENT – FREE DOWNLOAD – CRACKED Honey Select Is a hentai game. GamesTorrent.Co is part of IGGGAMES - Designed by IGGGAMES| RSS Feeds.

Honey Select 0916r Patch Download Pc

  1. - To install, extract the archived files (with http://www.7-zip.org/download.html or http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm) and move all of the folders and files into HoneySelect folder.
  2. - Always run the HoneySelect_32.exe / HoneySelect_64.exe, HoneyStudio_32.exe / HoneyStudio_64.exe and StudioNEO_32.exe / StudioNEO_64.exe with Administrator Mode to play the games.
  3. - Always remember to make backup before adding new mods.
  4. 01. Honey Select + Party DLC v1.20 (HoneySelect folder is the base game)
  5. - https://mega.nz/#!A5AWiDhK!lFP3Nrd6fvOg7_SI_DAXmXED7_3Jk_gL8XPkXSWm3ec
  6. - https://sukebei.nyaa.si/download/2313251.torrent
  7. 02. 0630 grt_all (Run the honeyparty_01_plus_0630grt_all.exe and click 'Yes' to extract it)
  8. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!wsQDiRIL!wpoZA4tOKxXe8RwFdXWIdEF4YGHLPJ5PXZI46vqgGvU
  9. 03. Illusion Plugin Architecture v3.3
  10. Download link: https://github.com/Eusth/IPA/releases/download/3.3/IPA_3.3.zip
  11. 04. Drag and drop the HoneySelect_32.exe / HoneySelect_64.exe, HoneyStudio_32.exe / HoneyStudio_64.exe and StudioNEO_32.exe / StudioNEO_64.exe on to IPA.exe.
  12. 05. Run the HoneySelect_32 (Patch & Launch).exe / HoneySelect_64 (Patch & Launch).exe, HoneyStudio_32 (Patch & Launch).exe / HoneyStudio_64 (Patch & Launch).exe and StudioNEO_32 (Patch & Launch).exe / StudioNEO_64 (Patch & Launch).exe everytime when a mod is installed.
  13. 06. vrl0ver's Studio Addon v1.1.0
  14. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!NdhgBThD!D7_NJV77kj3RgOer6ssqdfTBR2R6dt9fdtJ47AsINhQ
  15. 07. vrl0ver's Studio NEO Addon v0.8.2
  16. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!cJ403Dia!AlzDFe208VD4AY6ZKRdvmH8GX9q4aOrGS5_solgL8Hc
  17. 08. YashiroAmamiya's Item Resolver NEO v1.1.0
  18. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!rYFhnKBa!GWFlrZLIHa923jUWtynmWhB3x3ZR6nL6Dkd-df2h2Vg
  19. 09. Run the HoneyselectItemResolverNeo.exe at least once.
  20. 10. Set the abdata path to 'C: or D: or E:HoneySelectabdata'.
  21. 11. YashiroAmamiya's Item Resolver v1.1.1
  22. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!Y04E2ayT!cc8Ryrn2E8qRoCs7tTgYVLT_OgTf5r7sIQcwXXDh744
  23. 12. Run the HoneyselectItemResolver.exe at least once.
  24. 13. Set the abdata path to 'C: or D: or E:HoneySelectabdata' and SB3U path to 'C: or D: or E:HoneySelectSB3UGS_v1.0.54delta'.
  25. 14. DillDoe's Slot ID v1.1.1
  26. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!PVZ2WDTC!P-TBawDjCEuC2dDMxl1_hBFO8P1hmjCKBgweW_t-iLs
  27. 15. Run the HS_SlotID.exe at least once.
  28. 16. Set the path to 'C: or D: or E:HoneySelect'.
  29. 17. lwlin's More Slot ID v1.2
  30. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!85J0jB4a!Fi54Z2BeceRm58CVkbKvCF7abLNUJkMfZgMBHY9Y4_E
  31. 18. Run the MoreSlotID.exe at least once.
  32. 19. Saw2008's Clothing & Hair Mod Package
  33. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!Ew4zTB5C!fnHLm_1UeAOfiuoag5C3PDpReRUPo06LFp2CnzD1Abs
  34. 20. vrl0ver & cyberbeing's Wide Slider v0.8.3
  35. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!oNIXVbgD!iTlsTUHHRbM1gTJeO4rlXAxgUTw8qaO-2q8By14XHq0
  36. 21. Run the HoneySelect_32_WideSliderPatch.exe / HoneySelect_64_WideSliderPatch.exe, HoneyStudio_32_WideSliderPatch.exe / HoneyStudio_64_WideSliderPatch.exe and StudioNEO_32_WideSliderPatch.exe / StudioNEO_64_WideSliderPatch.exe at least once.
  37. 22. vrl0ver's Additional Bone Modifier v0.7.4
  38. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!sAASGL7Z!Qrj3ieGeru1NNAG6vja-lyXmADWn1O0gDSkkgiUjWG0
  39. 23. mayar1 & aastaroth's GGmod NEO v1.6.1
  40. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!i0kmURBS!R1qS8oqJ049b5MIU8PCASwyhfvfBvtNyeloQkDgVgds
  41. 24. Belgar17 & Stampar's SBX Uncensor v2.5e
  42. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!l5YmFSra!DgRCVmM4mLrIjRB3-9mPhgVFQEqNxWGdYyiZRYLWMbo
  43. 25. rathren & RLA's Male Uncensor v4.1
  44. Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2zp1kh90dk59tug/MaleUnc_FromPlayClub_V4.1.zip
  45. 26. plasticmind's 4K Skin Diffuse v2.5e
  46. - https://mega.nz/#F!yBdEFBDJ!PGfCcFPPYgxDDOFXLHRXUw (Download (SBX2.5)4K Texture Pack.rar and HSParty Graphic Patch ver.170619.rar)
  47. - https://mega.nz/#!wPI1nARY!mUg5MJ79ekX84m2g_tY30SfiS0f48-gNltOr7mKKqCY
  48. 27. Belgar17 & Stampar's Custom Juice Textures v2.5e
  49. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!x952gYKJ!KH4Yd0hf9zL__vXkD_QdGYpzH-24nM7YvP1s7nY6kws
  50. 28. UI Translation AIO (Always install last)
  51. - https://mega.nz/#!gzomiIJB!9P-ypf_N4MZ1yeCiF2Cl4yDnYBlr3NbaQw9C5FiomFM
  52. - https://mega.nz/#!cn4T3bZC!7tnfBK-V9i7WnEvb4zgQU1HO5AjFNvoM5oe3Sm1DTcs

Honey Select 0916r Patch Download

  1. honey select (ハニーセレクト) faqs/guide by 7301 for things that aren't obvious/mentioned everywhere already
  2. | THE PASTEBIN: http://pastebin.com/wNfFC17w |
  3. if something is referred without further explanation or file mentioned without link, check the pastebin. Brevity is the goal.
  4. YOU MUST MOUNT BOTH DISKS ON THE SAME DRIVE, otherwise you'll get an error
  5. official 'DLC's' that should come with the download:
  6. VR patch ~33mb
  7. all dlcs/patches come as .exe that is just an archive which extracts itself when you run it.
  8. after that just copy the files inside 'setup' dir manually to appropriate loc in HS install dir
  9. you can pirate official update patches, they are being released
  10. eng translation is pretty much completed. DOWNLOAD ALL 3 THINGS and copy paste them. When updating delete old translation files first, to be safe.
  11. wideslider mod, otherwise you can't open wideslider'ed chars. if char you dl looks like shit, this is prob why.
  12. uncensor mods. 2 of them exist. one does both dick & pussy, another does only pussy but better. People often install former, then overwrite with latter.
  13. DOA characters (real mesh from games) have been ported by 'Roy' (he posts in /hgg/ in /vg/) they're fan-fucking-tastic http://roy12-lwd.blogspot.ca
  14. wiki: http://wiki.anime-sharing.com/hgames/index.php?title=Honey_Select/Gamplay_Overview
  15. recommended: disable/lower bloom/ssao to make lighting more real life
  16. characters are saved in easy to share 252x352 png 'cards'. other sharable things are: clothes, card's backgrounds and foregrounds. studio scene setups (in 320x180).
  17. anything else are not cards. you can't mess with the cards, even changing 1 pixel might invalid them.
  18. recommended: download 100% save file, unlocking shit is really shallow, not worth the time.
  19. you can edit chars in your rooms, but only looks/clothes, you can't change their personality, unless you take them out of rooms.
  20. ---------
  21. character I download looks deformed, or eyes missing, or different etc
  22. must mount both disks on same v drive
  23. card I dl don't have the same clothes/wings/shit/etc
  24. card only stores which body parts/piece of clothing selected, not the actual files. you need the same clothing/body parts/etc mods
  25. why is my game/studio not in english? I installed the translations
  26. you fucked up. unless you mean the in game dialogues, those are not translated/low priority.
  27. where is honey studio? how do I get to honey studio?
  28. did you install it? it requires a separate install you dumb shit
  29. how do I edit chars that are already in rooms? they don't appear in the save list?!
  30. by clicking 'customize' on the 'select girl to fuck' screen, you can't change their personality, unless you take them out of rooms.
  31. my character list is empty?!?!
  32. a mod file or a character card file you copy pasted is messing up the rest. hopefully you can undo the last thing you did.
  33. how do I do threesomes? How come I can't do the things others can do in their screenshots?
  34. it's prob a honey studio screenshot. honey studio is a poser of sort where you can load multiple chars.