Game Patch Download
Honey Select + 3 DLCs FitGirl Repack - The latest highly-customizable sex simulator by Japanese developer Illusion. - Download the game from 'Direct Download' button - STOP Antivius then Extract the archive - After extract run the Setup.exe as Administrator to Install game. MF Patch (367 MB) installed, enabling full nudity and English. Always run the HoneySelect_32.exe / HoneySelect_64.exe, HoneyStudio_32.exe / HoneyStudio_64.exe and StudioNEO_32.exe / StudioNEO_64.exe with Administrator Mode to play the games. TORRENT – FREE DOWNLOAD – CRACKED Honey Select Is a hentai game. GamesTorrent.Co is part of IGGGAMES - Designed by IGGGAMES| RSS Feeds.
Honey Select 0916r Patch Download Pc
- - To install, extract the archived files (with or and move all of the folders and files into HoneySelect folder.
- - Always run the HoneySelect_32.exe / HoneySelect_64.exe, HoneyStudio_32.exe / HoneyStudio_64.exe and StudioNEO_32.exe / StudioNEO_64.exe with Administrator Mode to play the games.
- - Always remember to make backup before adding new mods.
- 01. Honey Select + Party DLC v1.20 (HoneySelect folder is the base game)
- -!A5AWiDhK!lFP3Nrd6fvOg7_SI_DAXmXED7_3Jk_gL8XPkXSWm3ec
- -
- 02. 0630 grt_all (Run the honeyparty_01_plus_0630grt_all.exe and click 'Yes' to extract it)
- Download link:!wsQDiRIL!wpoZA4tOKxXe8RwFdXWIdEF4YGHLPJ5PXZI46vqgGvU
- 03. Illusion Plugin Architecture v3.3
- Download link:
- 04. Drag and drop the HoneySelect_32.exe / HoneySelect_64.exe, HoneyStudio_32.exe / HoneyStudio_64.exe and StudioNEO_32.exe / StudioNEO_64.exe on to IPA.exe.
- 05. Run the HoneySelect_32 (Patch & Launch).exe / HoneySelect_64 (Patch & Launch).exe, HoneyStudio_32 (Patch & Launch).exe / HoneyStudio_64 (Patch & Launch).exe and StudioNEO_32 (Patch & Launch).exe / StudioNEO_64 (Patch & Launch).exe everytime when a mod is installed.
- 06. vrl0ver's Studio Addon v1.1.0
- Download link:!NdhgBThD!D7_NJV77kj3RgOer6ssqdfTBR2R6dt9fdtJ47AsINhQ
- 07. vrl0ver's Studio NEO Addon v0.8.2
- Download link:!cJ403Dia!AlzDFe208VD4AY6ZKRdvmH8GX9q4aOrGS5_solgL8Hc
- 08. YashiroAmamiya's Item Resolver NEO v1.1.0
- Download link:!rYFhnKBa!GWFlrZLIHa923jUWtynmWhB3x3ZR6nL6Dkd-df2h2Vg
- 09. Run the HoneyselectItemResolverNeo.exe at least once.
- 10. Set the abdata path to 'C: or D: or E:HoneySelectabdata'.
- 11. YashiroAmamiya's Item Resolver v1.1.1
- Download link:!Y04E2ayT!cc8Ryrn2E8qRoCs7tTgYVLT_OgTf5r7sIQcwXXDh744
- 12. Run the HoneyselectItemResolver.exe at least once.
- 13. Set the abdata path to 'C: or D: or E:HoneySelectabdata' and SB3U path to 'C: or D: or E:HoneySelectSB3UGS_v1.0.54delta'.
- 14. DillDoe's Slot ID v1.1.1
- Download link:!PVZ2WDTC!P-TBawDjCEuC2dDMxl1_hBFO8P1hmjCKBgweW_t-iLs
- 15. Run the HS_SlotID.exe at least once.
- 16. Set the path to 'C: or D: or E:HoneySelect'.
- 17. lwlin's More Slot ID v1.2
- Download link:!85J0jB4a!Fi54Z2BeceRm58CVkbKvCF7abLNUJkMfZgMBHY9Y4_E
- 18. Run the MoreSlotID.exe at least once.
- 19. Saw2008's Clothing & Hair Mod Package
- Download link:!Ew4zTB5C!fnHLm_1UeAOfiuoag5C3PDpReRUPo06LFp2CnzD1Abs
- 20. vrl0ver & cyberbeing's Wide Slider v0.8.3
- Download link:!oNIXVbgD!iTlsTUHHRbM1gTJeO4rlXAxgUTw8qaO-2q8By14XHq0
- 21. Run the HoneySelect_32_WideSliderPatch.exe / HoneySelect_64_WideSliderPatch.exe, HoneyStudio_32_WideSliderPatch.exe / HoneyStudio_64_WideSliderPatch.exe and StudioNEO_32_WideSliderPatch.exe / StudioNEO_64_WideSliderPatch.exe at least once.
- 22. vrl0ver's Additional Bone Modifier v0.7.4
- Download link:!sAASGL7Z!Qrj3ieGeru1NNAG6vja-lyXmADWn1O0gDSkkgiUjWG0
- 23. mayar1 & aastaroth's GGmod NEO v1.6.1
- Download link:!i0kmURBS!R1qS8oqJ049b5MIU8PCASwyhfvfBvtNyeloQkDgVgds
- 24. Belgar17 & Stampar's SBX Uncensor v2.5e
- Download link:!l5YmFSra!DgRCVmM4mLrIjRB3-9mPhgVFQEqNxWGdYyiZRYLWMbo
- 25. rathren & RLA's Male Uncensor v4.1
- Download link:
- 26. plasticmind's 4K Skin Diffuse v2.5e
- -!yBdEFBDJ!PGfCcFPPYgxDDOFXLHRXUw (Download (SBX2.5)4K Texture Pack.rar and HSParty Graphic Patch ver.170619.rar)
- -!wPI1nARY!mUg5MJ79ekX84m2g_tY30SfiS0f48-gNltOr7mKKqCY
- 27. Belgar17 & Stampar's Custom Juice Textures v2.5e
- Download link:!x952gYKJ!KH4Yd0hf9zL__vXkD_QdGYpzH-24nM7YvP1s7nY6kws
- 28. UI Translation AIO (Always install last)
- -!gzomiIJB!9P-ypf_N4MZ1yeCiF2Cl4yDnYBlr3NbaQw9C5FiomFM
- -!cn4T3bZC!7tnfBK-V9i7WnEvb4zgQU1HO5AjFNvoM5oe3Sm1DTcs
Honey Select 0916r Patch Download
- honey select (ハニーセレクト) faqs/guide by 7301 for things that aren't obvious/mentioned everywhere already
- if something is referred without further explanation or file mentioned without link, check the pastebin. Brevity is the goal.
- YOU MUST MOUNT BOTH DISKS ON THE SAME DRIVE, otherwise you'll get an error
- official 'DLC's' that should come with the download:
- VR patch ~33mb
- all dlcs/patches come as .exe that is just an archive which extracts itself when you run it.
- after that just copy the files inside 'setup' dir manually to appropriate loc in HS install dir
- you can pirate official update patches, they are being released
- eng translation is pretty much completed. DOWNLOAD ALL 3 THINGS and copy paste them. When updating delete old translation files first, to be safe.
- wideslider mod, otherwise you can't open wideslider'ed chars. if char you dl looks like shit, this is prob why.
- uncensor mods. 2 of them exist. one does both dick & pussy, another does only pussy but better. People often install former, then overwrite with latter.
- DOA characters (real mesh from games) have been ported by 'Roy' (he posts in /hgg/ in /vg/) they're fan-fucking-tastic
- wiki:
- recommended: disable/lower bloom/ssao to make lighting more real life
- characters are saved in easy to share 252x352 png 'cards'. other sharable things are: clothes, card's backgrounds and foregrounds. studio scene setups (in 320x180).
- anything else are not cards. you can't mess with the cards, even changing 1 pixel might invalid them.
- recommended: download 100% save file, unlocking shit is really shallow, not worth the time.
- you can edit chars in your rooms, but only looks/clothes, you can't change their personality, unless you take them out of rooms.
- ---------
- character I download looks deformed, or eyes missing, or different etc
- must mount both disks on same v drive
- card I dl don't have the same clothes/wings/shit/etc
- card only stores which body parts/piece of clothing selected, not the actual files. you need the same clothing/body parts/etc mods
- why is my game/studio not in english? I installed the translations
- you fucked up. unless you mean the in game dialogues, those are not translated/low priority.
- where is honey studio? how do I get to honey studio?
- did you install it? it requires a separate install you dumb shit
- how do I edit chars that are already in rooms? they don't appear in the save list?!
- by clicking 'customize' on the 'select girl to fuck' screen, you can't change their personality, unless you take them out of rooms.
- my character list is empty?!?!
- a mod file or a character card file you copy pasted is messing up the rest. hopefully you can undo the last thing you did.
- how do I do threesomes? How come I can't do the things others can do in their screenshots?
- it's prob a honey studio screenshot. honey studio is a poser of sort where you can load multiple chars.